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Bommarillu... the movie

The movie is due to be released on August 9. Till then, here's a trailer to tantalise you. Sid dances to 'We have a Romeo' and it sounds / looks just like it is a continuation of Girlfriend (Boys). Is it just the Sid - Genelia connection or is it something else?

Posted by DesiGirl 7:26 PM  


  1. Kishore said...
    Wow DG.. This blog is Sid all over! :) If only Sid realised that... ;)

    (but can u please enable anonymous comments so people like me need not use their ollddd blogger id to post comments?) please..
    DesiGirl said...
    Hiya mate!
    Ha ha ha! Aren't I a saddo? I have written couple of general stuff as well - am yet to post them. Need to do it pronto as this blog is looking like a Sid Shrine at the mo!
    ps: have enabled the anonymous comment bit - if i get messages from abso losers, i shall blame u!
    Qalandar said...
    Just discovered your blog...good job!

    Maaeri: I heard this for the first time a few days ago...Rimmi! Rimmi!
    Qalandar said...
    btw, thanks for the comment on my blog, very helpful. It speaks volumes about ARR that he is able to convey that sense of melancholy and isolation/loneliness even to someone who can't understand the language at all...

    SOK reminded me of Kaadha Virus, that had lyrics by Vaalee too and also a very cool sound...

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